Just like that, our 2018 rafting season has come to an end. We can’t believe how quickly it’s gone by! This year, we spent 107 days on the river, and have journeyed with over 8,500 rafters down the Kicking Horse River—our busiest summer yet!
This summer has been full of big splashes, many laughs and smiles, and countless memories. It’s been a tough process, but after consulting with all on- and off-river staff, we’ve managed to come up with a list of our Top 5 Highlights from Wild Water Adventures this summer. Count them down with us!
5) Off-River Rivalry
It’s not all work and no play here at Wild Water! Our off-river team has the perk of joining rafting trips, whenever space permits. And, every year, they have a competition to see who can raft the most, and this year they’ve set a new record! Our Sales and Reservations Agent Wade, and our Driver Austin were neck-and-neck all summer, and were tied with a whopping 13 trips down the river. However, just the other day, Wade snuck in one last run, which has crowned her the champion of the competition with a total of 14 trips.
4) A Surprise Visit!
Flying all the way from Budapest, former Operations Manager and River Guide Josh joined us for a surprise visit! Josh decided he missed us, and spent his summer holiday with us on the river. It was two weeks full of cracking jokes, and bonding with new and returning staff alike. But, our favorite part was when he took a bit of a tumble…
3) Our Guides Go For an Unscheduled Swim
Our River Guides have many years of guiding experience. However, we also know that rafting can be an unpredictable adventure, and could result in rafters (and guides!) going for a quick dip in the river. Luckily enough for Josh, he had the pleasure of going for a quick unscheduled swim! While we don’t have any photographic evidence (though, we wish we did!), we have many testimonials of the account.
Fellow guides have poked fun at Josh, but in the end, karma did come back around. Just last week, Dani was expertly guiding the smaller 14-ft all-paddle raft, when he missed the center line and fell off the side. Fortunately, this time we do have photographic evidence!

2) 30 Years in a Row!
Each rafting season, our owner-operator Ted wears many off-river hats. But, guiding is in his bones, and each year he dusts off his river gear, and joins us on the river, at least once! This year, we were lucky enough to have Ted join us for two trips down the Kicking Horse, marking the 30th year he’s guided trips down this river (35 years of guiding in total!).
1)And last, but certainly not least…Adventuring With our Wonderful Rafters!
We absolutely love rafting, and we couldn’t do what we do without you. Each day we wake up excited to share our passion with a new group of adventurers. Even on days when it’s cooler or raining, seeing your smiles and hearing your shrieks of excitement as you’re bouncing through rapids, and getting soaking wet, makes it all worth it. Guiding over 8,500 rafters from all over the world over a summer can make for some long and tiring days, but we wouldn’t have it any other way!